tiistai 10. elokuuta 2010


Whatsoever in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth glorifies allah the king (of everything),the holy,the all mighty,the all-wise.He is the one who dispatched among the illiterate a messeger from them who recites upon them his verses,purifying them (from disblief),&teaching them the book ( this Quran,islamic laws & islamic jurisprudence) & al-hikmah (as-sunnah:legal ways,orders acts of worship,etc.of muhammad (S.A.W) and verily,they hand been before in mainfest error,and he has sent him (prophet muhammad ( S.A.W.) also to others among them (muslims) who have not yet joined them (but they will come) and he (allah) is the all-mighty, the all wise.That is the grace of allah,which he besttows on whom he wills and allah is the owner of mighty grace.

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